rule the roost

rule the roost
задавать тон; хозяйничать, распоряжаться, заправлять делами; верховодить, командовать, повелевать; руководить [первонач. rule the roast]

And he added suddenly: ‘I'm not easy. If I'd realized how that chap Elderson ruled the roost, I doubt if I should have come on that Board.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part I, ch. VI) — И Сомс внезапно добавил: - Я не вполне спокоен. Если бы я знал раньше, как этот Элдерсон ведет дела, - вряд ли я вошел бы в правление.

Byron and Shelley had to fly to Italy, whilst Castlereagh and Eldon ruled the roost at home. (B. Shaw, ‘Back to Methuselah’, ‘Preface’) — Байрон и Шелли должны были бежать в Италию, когда Каслрей и Элдон правили Англией.

Up till then it had been a little religious community where the church elders ruled the roost. (A. Saxton, ‘The Great Midland’, part III, ‘The University’) — В то время это была маленькая религиозная община, где всем заправляли церковные старейшины.

Wouldn't like to be her ol' [= old] man. Bet she rules the roost. (D. Hewett, ‘Bobbin Up’, ch. XVI) — Вот уж не хотела бы быть на месте ее мужа. Она ведь заправляет всем в доме.

Its aim has been to make possible the creation of "federal" states in which feudal and tribal reaction would play a key role, and British imperialism would be left, in effect, to rule the roost from behind the scenes. (J. Woddis, ‘Africa. The Way Ahead’, ch. VI) — Они решили добиваться создания в Африке "федеральных" государств, в которых ведущая роль принадлежала бы реакционной феодальной и племенной верхушке, а фактическую власть негласно осуществляли бы английские империалистические круги.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "rule the roost" в других словарях:

  • rule the roost — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be leader or boss; be in charge. * /Jim is very bossy; he always wants to rule the roost./ * /Who rules the roost in the Smith s house?/ Compare: WEAR THE TROUSERS …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rule the roost — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be leader or boss; be in charge. * /Jim is very bossy; he always wants to rule the roost./ * /Who rules the roost in the Smith s house?/ Compare: WEAR THE TROUSERS …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rule the roost — If someone rules the roost they are the boss. Example:There s no doubt who rules the roost in this house …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • rule the roost — meaning ‘to have full control or authority’, is first recorded in about 1400 in the unexplained form rule the roast, which lasted until the 19c when roast was replaced by roost, thereby at least producing a clear image …   Modern English usage

  • rule the roost — ► rule the roost be in complete control. Main Entry: ↑rule …   English terms dictionary

  • rule the roost — phrasal see rule the roast * * * rule the roost see under ↑roast • • • Main Entry: ↑roost rule the roost see under ↑roast • • • Main Entry: ↑rule * * * rule the roost …   Useful english dictionary

  • rule\ the\ roost — v. phr. informal To be leader or boss; be in charge. Jim is very bossy; he always wants to rule the roost. Who rules the roost in the Smith s house? Compare: wear the trousers …   Словарь американских идиом

  • rule the roost —    If you rule the roost, you are the most important and powerful person in a group or community.     Officially David runs the company, but it s his father who rules the roost …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • rule the roost — verb To be the controlling member(s) of a family, organization, or other group. His was biding his time, and patiently looking forward to the days when he himself would sit authoritative at some board, and talk and direct, and rule the roost,… …   Wiktionary

  • rule the roost — to control a place, situation, or activity Ultimately, men still rule the roost and make more money …   English dictionary

  • rule the roost — be the dominant one in the family She seems rather quiet but she really rules the roost in their family …   Idioms and examples

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